The following buttons are available in the toolbar: 
Creates a new project.
Opens an existing project.
Saves the project.
Cuts out the selected section and saves it to the clipboard.
Copies the selected section and saves it to the clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected location.
Deletes the selected clips.
Undoes the last action.
Restores the last action that you have undone.
Zooms into the project.
Zooms out of the project.
Zooms into the project so that the selected section is displayed in a manner that fills the screen.
Zooms out of the project in such a manner that the entire project is displayed.
Inserts a new track after the selected track.
Opens the Open window and inserts an audio file at the selected location.
Burns the project to CD.
This button is only available if the project contains at least one clip.
Opens the selected clip for editing.
If the clip is an audio file, then Nero WaveEditor will be opened. If the clip is a SoundBox or ScratchBox clip, then the respective tool will open.
This button is only available if a clip is selected.
Aligns the selected clips at the same start position; the start position that is furthest to the left will be used.
This button is only available if multiple clips are selected.
Opens the Add or Remove Buttons menu which allows you to customize the toolbar by adding or removing buttons.
